Sunday, September 30, 2007


DAY: 1
MOVES LEARNED: How to buy the game.

A night at my in-laws, and my father-in-law has virtually dared me to try Halo 3 while he figures it out, too. And so friends, the adventure begins.

At Target, we couldn't have found a better salesperson to talk us into buying the game. When we ask about it, we're peppered by a barrage of enthusiastic comments like "it's soooo cool" and "it's sooooo awesome" in between revelations about how much his sister sucks as a player and how he would never play the game on ROOK level (presumably Rookie).

He tells us he's excited because he's off in an hour and then on to a foursome with his buddies. After we laugh, he explains that the foursome is a Halo game-playing foursome. I can't think of anything "teen" to say, so I respond with my own "that's cool", although I can't get my voice to crack like my new friend does.

Sixty bucks and we're off. For the cash, this better be a great game. Despite the salesperson telling me so telling me so, I don't think the free Halo action figures he throws in as a free bonus are going to make me enjoy the game more. But we're Halo brothers-in-arms now. Accordingly, I wish him good luck in his foursome as we laugh again and walk away.

Somewhere near the front of the store, we hear our salesperson buzzing another one on the CB. They're talking about the big night ahead. Someone's bringing drinks, but I think they're talking about Mountain Dew and not Jesus Juice.

Maybe one day I'll be good enough to join a foursome like these guys. For now, I'm just a Rook Halo'ner.

1 comment:

Wyatt Spencer Chentnik said...

ask tom if you have questions... he's an avid playa and has been through the first 2 several times... and he bought 3 last week.

Love the blog BTW.